Knapp is a wife to her very supportive husband Ron and mother of 3
wonderful children. Since being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Jill
has lost 100 pounds. It has led her to a new foundation to help others
get healthy and fit. Jill's inspiring
weight loss story has been featured on the
Dr. OZ show,
First For Women Magazine, Diabetes Forecast Magazine and in many other
publications. She also taped a diabetes documentary last summer that
will be on a predominant medical web site in the near future.
She is a motivational speaker, sharing the message of living a healthy
life style. She speaks at school, weight loss challenges, after school
programs and at women's groups. She is also a diabetes advocate for
the American diabetes association and Humphreys diabetes center in
Boise .
To get to know more about Jill, you can visit her web site "Get Up and Get Moving.
"Get Up and Get Moving"